Monday, February 28, 2011

teachimg lit take home exam

Teaching literature.

1.) everyone has met Richard Cory. Someone who suffers inner turmoil but appears outwardly calm . how did you deal with such kind of personality?

I can somehow relate to the kind of personality that Richard Cory has. I myself is somehow like him, the attitude or the behavior I show the public is the opposite of who I am when I’m already alone. Many described me as someone who is strict just because I’m always serious and prefers to be alone very often, but nobody knows what I am when I’m not on their sight. I believe Richard Cory is suffering from sadness, he wants to seek help from people but don’t know how. I can say so because I already experienced that. there are times that I feel so sad and I want to consult people especially my friends about it, I want to tell them why I felt that way but I cant for I am shy, that’s why ending my life is the only solution I see to escape my problem. I’m always thinking of it but has never tried to do it. The only thing that I can Do to deal with this kind of personality is to be strong and try to open myself to people. Its going to be hard specially to someone like me who is not expressive but I have to in order for me to survived.

2.)compare and contrast minever with with Richard cory .minever cheevy is the subject of another robinson poem .

3.) suppose you have already discussed the poem miniver cheevy in your class. construct 4 question that would process students understanding about the theme of the poem.

a.) if you have the freedom to choose when to be born ,what would be the date/time and why?

b.)is it right to live in the memory of the past?

c.)what do you think is the reason why miniver cheevy prefers t live in the past than the present ?

d.)if miniver cheevey will come to you,how are you going to conveince him to accept the present life?

Mythology take home exam


1.) what do you think ids Odysseus worst action of his wanderings and why?

When Odysseus was stuck in the island own by a goddess and he attempted to escape but just once. For me that is the worst action of Odysseus. Yes, he did try to exert effort to get away by attempting to swim the sea at the sight of a boat but what happens next? Did he try to do it again? To leave and return to his wife?
His first attempt to escape failed because the goddess stop him and forbid him from leaving the island. It’s like Odysseus gives up right away  and just accepted his faith. What if the goddess didn’t realize that he needs to return home ? is there a chance for him to be home again and be with his  wife again ? I don’t think so, for me if you want something you will do anything to get it and you wont let any obstacles to hinder you from achieving it because a person who is full of determination will never surrender in any failure but eager to try more and never stop trying until you get what you want.

2.) why is Odysseus  looked to as a powerful representation of the mythic hero?

Odysseus is a man of honor. I think this characteristic of him , made him a powerful representation of a mythic hero. Because he granted his promise that he will return to his wife after the Trojan war and that’s what he did. Despite all the struggles and hardship that he had through , he still manage  to come home though it took him so long. Honor can make one man , a unforgettable and respective hero and that’s what Odysseus is. Another thing that I believe is  considerable in relation to Odysseus as a powerful representation of a mythic hero is that, he was able to overcome struggles brought by two wars that his been through. The first war is the Trojan war where the bravest among the bravest  hero participated and amazingly he survived the war. The second war is the war for his life and family where it centers more with his eagerness  to return to his home  and be with his love ones again. He made it, he was able to make the impossible as possible, knowing the fact that his only human, a mortal with no extraordinary powers but his courage and determination.

3.)using a diagram or a map, compare and contrast the character of Achilles and hector.



4.) is the central conflict of Iliad internal or external?

For my own personal point of view, the central  conflict of the illiad is both external and internal one. It is internal because mellaneus  want his wife back, that is his intention why he entered the war against troy, unfortunately this conflict is what his brother agammemon used to find a reason so he can formally declare war to troy. Obviuosy agammemon decision  to join the war is not because he wants to support his brother to get back his wife  but his want/ambition to expand his territory and to win back a queen . the attitude or the  war liking nature of the Greek people is also the reason why the war  broke out. Greek people have high prides that once their ego is touch they will try to settle it through war. They are war loving people. It seems like one way of showing their enemy how strong they are is by joining war.